Event summary
Local Planning Committee Meeting #2
Event details
Cornwall New York Forward
Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #2
June 28, 2023, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Village Hall
325 Hudson Street Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York 12520
This meeting will be livestreamed via ZOOM through this link:
Or call in +13052241968,,83448940691# US
Join the second LPC meeting for Cornwall’s New York Forward. LPC members will receive an update regarding public engagement, finalize the Cornwall NYF vision, review the preliminary list of opportunities and challenges, provide input on draft goals and discuss the project evaluation criteria and format for project selection.
Please note that LPC meetings are public working meetings for committee members, and time will be held at the end of the meetings for public comment. There will be public workshops throughout this process during which the general public can provide their input.
Questions? Email CornwallNYF@vhb.com or visit our website www.cornwallnyf.
28 Jun, 2023 PM 5:30 — 28 Jun, 2023 PM 7:30
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)