845-534-4200 x318 Send Email
845-534-4200 x250 Send Email
or People may use the mail slot (marked “BILLS”) located on the side of Village Hall to make payments on water bills during and after business hours, including weekends and holidays.
The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson is excited to introduce its electronic utility bill (e-Bill) to enable our customers to ‘Go Paperless’. e-Billing will be available to all of our customers beginning May 28, 2021.
The e-Bill is an electronic version of your Village Utility Bill and will be e-mailed directly to registered customers enrolled in our e-Bill program. Customers may sign up for e-Bills using the link below.
The benefits of using our e-Bill system are:
To enroll, customers need to visit the Village website at www.cornwall-on-hudson.org and click on the “Pay My Utility Bill” button on the home page (or below). You then will need to provide your house/building number, your entire account number (ex. 009021-000) and e-mail address. Once enrolled customers may choose to no longer receive paper bills and receive their monthly e-Bill via their registered email address. This will ensure that all of our customers receive their utility bill in a timely and secure manner.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at (845) 534-4200 Ext. 312 or email wateradmin@cornwall-on-hudson.org. We are excited to be able to provide this new e-Bill opportunity to you and for its successful implementation.