Village Mayor
James Gagliano
Deputy Mayor
James Kane
Bill Braine
David Carnright
Richard Gaillard

845-534-4200 x311

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Pro-Housing Community Program

Program Info/Summary                             Proposed Resolution

Pro-Housing Community Program Summary
Governor Hochul has determined that several sources of discretionary grants (among them New York Forward) will only be available to "Pro-Housing Communities" going forward.
There are two ways to certify as a Pro-Housing Community. CoH would seem to qualify only for Option 2.

1)    Send a letter of intent and permitting records that demonstrate a specific level of housing growth in the recent past (3% over three years or 1 % in the year prior). OR
2)    Send a letter of intent and recent planning/permitting records, plus pass a model resolution showing openness to growing housing stock. The State's FAQ says ''The resolution is a statement of values, not a commitment to execute every option listed within the resolution." The functional part of the resolution is:

City/Town/Village of _______ , in order to take positive steps to alleviate the housing crisis, adopts the Pro-Housing Communities pledge, which will have us endeavor to take the following important steps:

1.    Streamlining permitting for multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing, accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.
2.    Adopting policies that affirmatively further fair housing.
3.    Incorporating regional housing needs into planning decisions.
4.    Increasing development capacity for residential uses.
5.    Enacting policies that encourage a broad range of housing development, including multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing, accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.

The program aligns with Goal 3 of the Village Comprehensive Plan as adopted, section 3.3, page 30:
Goal 3: Promote a Range of Sustainably Located Affordable Housing Options

•    Encourage the development of multi-family units in the Central Business and Shopping District.
•    Evaluate the ability to meet the needs of residents in need of unique housing such as "assisted-living" and "independent living" homes.
•    The Village should continue to permit and support 'Accessory Apartments' in existing single family residences.
•    The Village should consider permitting auxiliary dwelling structures on lots exceeding 3 acres.
•    Additional housing initiatives that the Village Board might consider include adaptations of several of the "Best Practices" for Housing Policy recommended by Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress - Urban Action Agenda (UAA) Housing Profiles, 2018 [which are enumerated in the Plan].



Introduced by:
Seconded by:
Date of Adoption:

WHEREAS, the Village Board of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson believes that the lack of housing for New York residents of all ages and income levels negatively impacts the future of New York State's economic growth and community well-being; and
WHEREAS, the housing crisis has negative effects at regional and local levels, and the Village Board believes that every community must do their part to contribute to housing growth and local benefit from the positive impacts a healthy housing market brings to communities; and
WHEREAS, the Village Board believes that supporting housing production of all kinds in our community will bring multiple benefits, including increasing housing access and choices for current and future residents, providing integrated accessible housing options that meet the needs of people with sensory and mobility disabilities, bringing economic opportunities and vitality to our communities, and allowing workers at all levels to improve their quality of life through living closer to their employment opportunities; and
WHEREAS, the Village Board believes that that evidence showing that infill development that reduces sprawl and supports walkable communities has significant environmental and public health benefits health benefits; and
WHEREAS, the Village Board believes that affirmatively furthering fair housing and reducing segregation is not only required by law, but is essential for keeping our community strong and vibrant; and
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Village Board of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, in order to take positive steps to alleviate the housing crisis, adopts the Pro-Housing Communities pledge, which will have the Village Board endeavor to take the following important steps:

1.    Streamlining permitting for multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.
2.    Adopting policies that affirmatively further fair housing.
3.    Incorporating regional housing needs into planning decisions.
4.    Increasing development capacity for residential uses.
5.    Enacting policies that encourage a broad range of housing development, including multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessory dwelling units, and supportive       housing.

PDF of Summary                            PDF of Proposed Resolution