Welcome to
the Village of

325 Hudson Street
Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520

Village Office Hours: Monday-Friday
 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Contact Us
Pay Your Utility BillWater bill on line
Pay Your TaxesPay Your Taxes
Village HallVillage Hall
View of Gazebo and WaterView of Gazebo and Water
View overlooking waterView overlooking water

 Minutes & Agendas Village CodeComprehensive Plan

See My Water Consumption See My Tax Bill



02 Apr, 2020 PM 7:00 — 02 Apr, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details


The Cornwall Public Library is partnering with Montefiore St. Luke's Cornwall for a conversation on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel (new) coronavirus and has recently spread to parts of the United States.This forum will provide facts and education about the disease and address questions concerning infection prevention and treatment.

it will be held at Munger Cottage (red building behind library) and attendance is anticipated to be heavy. 

With our health in mind,

  • Time
    02 Apr, 2020 PM 7:00 — 02 Apr, 2020 PM 9:00

Village Board Work Session and Business Meeting

20 Apr, 2020 PM 7:00 — 20 Apr, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event summary
Village Board Business Meeting
Event details

April Work Session

The Cornwall-on-Hudson Village Board will combine its April Work Session with its Business Meeting on April 20, 2020 as we adjust to COVID-19. The business meeting will be a teleconference;

April 20, 2020 Business Meeting

Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the Village Board will NOT be meeting in person. In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.1, the meeting will be held via videoconferencing and a telephone conference call. A transcript will be available at a later date. The public will have the opportunity to hear the meeting live and provide comments. At 7 p.m., the public can watch the live meeting online via the GotoMeeting App.

If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone you can register, log in and see the video and hear the audio of the live meeting. You can access the GotoMeeting at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/421978749 and click “Join Meeting”, and enter ID: 421-978-749. You can also listen by dialing +1 (571) 317-3112 and entering access code 421-978-749. Comments can also be provided via e-mail before and after the meeting to the Mayor, Brendan Coyne, at mayor@cornwall-on-hudson.org, and Village Clerk, Jeanne Mahoney, at clerk@cornwall-on-hudson.org . The Village Board will also accept written comments up to and until May 1, 2020; they can be e-mailed to the above addresses as well.

Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Board of Trustees

Business Meeting Agenda

7 p.m., Monday, April 20, 2020


Welcome, Pledge, Agendas, Black Binder

Public Hearings: MS4; proposed lighting law.

Public Comment, Correspondence, Minutes: 3/23/20 Business Mtg.

Monthly Department Reports

_ Treasurer: Warrant #4.

_ Building Department.

_ Fire Company.

­_ Police Department.

_ Public Works Department:

_ Water Department.



_ To allow water superintendent to resolve waiver requests.

_ To declare water department equipment surplus.

_ To approve seasonal help for water department.

_ To extend service of interim Building Inspector.


Other Business

_ Village Election.

­­­­­_ Reorganization Meeting.

_ RiverFest.

_ Dealing with COVID-19.

_ Gas powered leaf blowers.

_ 2020 Census: 1-844-330-2020.



Board Comments/Activities


  • Time
    20 Apr, 2020 PM 7:00 — 20 Apr, 2020 PM 9:00

Zoning Board Meeting

23 Apr, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Apr, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event summary
Zoning Board Meeting
Event details

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 65 Duncan Avenue, Cornwall-on-Hudson
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as can be heard on said date.
Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the ZBA will NOT be meeting in person. In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.1, the April 23, 2020 ZBA public hearing will be held via videoconferencing and telephone conference call, and a transcript will be available at a later date. The public will have the opportunity to hear the meeting live and provide comments.
At 7:00 pm, the public can watch the live meeting online from the public meetings link on the Village’s website www.cornwall-on-hudson.org and through the GotoMeeting App. If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone you can register, log in and see the video and hear the audio of the live session. You can access the Goto Meeting at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/200938813 and clicking on “Join Meeting”, and enter ID: 200-938-813. Interested members of the public can also listen by calling the following telephone number: +1 (571) 317-3112 and utilizing the following access code: 200-938-813.




NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING:  44 River Avenue, Cornwall-on-Hudson

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as can be heard on said date.

Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the ZBA will NOT be meeting in person.  In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.1, the April 23, 2020 ZBA public hearing will be held via videoconferencing and telephone conference call, and a transcript will be available at a later date.  The public will have the opportunity to hear the meeting live and provide comments.

At 7:00 pm, the public can watch the live meeting online from the public meetings link on the Village’s website www.cornwall-on-hudson.org and through the GotoMeeting App. If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone you can register, log in and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Goto Meeting at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/200938813
and clicking on “Join Meeting”, and enter ID: 200-938-813.  Interested members of the public can also listen by calling the following telephone number: +1 (571) 317-3112
and utilizing the following access code: 200-938-813.

  • Time
    23 Apr, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Apr, 2020 PM 9:00

Registration Day for the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson shall be held on Saturday, the 8th of March from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Edward C. Moulton, Jr. Board Room of the Village Hall, 325 Hudson St., Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.

Village Offices and sanitation are closed Mon, 2-17. Tues, 2-18 garbage will be collected for the entire Village.

Community Reminders: With the potential of snow, we are asking Village residents to assist us by

1. removing your vehicles from the roadway as per Village code 154.34 Vehicle and Traffic Law. This will allow our crews to efficiently clear the full width of the roadways. It takes our DPW crew approximately 4 to 5 hours after the snow fall has ended, to complete the cleanup. All vehicles parked on Village roadways should be moved once we hit 2.5 inches.

2. Help us help you! Clearing 3 feet of snow in all direction around a fire hydrant saves us valuable time in the case of an emergency!

3. We ask that all community members who will be using the municipal parking lot located at the firehouse to please use Public Parking 1 along Clark Avenue before utilizing Public Parking 2. This allows our DPW employees easier access to snow removal. Furthermore, we ask that you leave the Members Only spots open for our firefighters to quickly and safely respond to an emergency. Lastly, please leave the Snow Removal spot clear to allow DPW a clear area to clear the snow to.

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.


Donahue Memorial Park: Paring & Boat Launch Permits
  • Parking and boat launch permits may also be obtained through the mail. Parking Permit Application forms are located on the Village website under the tab for Village Clerk. You can return the application form, a copy of the vehicle and/or trailer registration, and fee in an envelope and place in the drop box marked “BILLS” on the parking lot side of Village Hall or drop off during regular business hours.
  • Day Passes are available at Village Hall and several Village businesses including Village Pizza (845-534-3600) and 2 Alices.
    Visitors may also obtain Day Passes through the ParkMobile App, which is available by cell phone. Village police can monitor whether a car has a pass by checking the car’s license plate.
    Parking is allowed only in designated spaces. Cars without permits or passes are subject to ticketing and towing. When a car is towed, the driver should call the Town of Cornwall dispatcher (845-534-8100) to request that a Village Police Officer contact him/her.
Warming/Cooling Center Information
Per the Village Clerk's Office: Our primary warming and cooling center for the Town of Cornwall and Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson:
Cornwall Public Library
395 Hudson Street
Cornwall, NY 12518
ATS Generator Power - Natural Gas installed June 2022
Normal Hours:
Mon-Thurs 9A-8P
Fri 9A-6P
Sat 9A-4P
Su 1P-4P
Secondary for after hours and demand activated by Cornwall OEM:
Munger Cottage
40 Munger Drive
Cornwall, NY 12518
845-534-8100 - Cornwall Dispatch has key to open
ATS Generator Power - Natural Gas
  • 2023 Water Quality Report
  • Safe Seniors - Senior citizens may be interested in the Safe Seniors program administered by the Village Police Department. Click on  the link: Safe Seniors.   
  • Notice of Sewer & Water Rates
  • Recycling is collected weekly for the entire Village. See DPW page for more information.
  • Sergeant Corner Noise Ordinance
  • Police Reform Committee - The COH Police Reform Committee Report
  • The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department is requesting that all residents please ensure that they lock their vehicle(s) when not in use. Also, please don't leave any valuable items inside your vehicle or leave items in your vehicle in plain sight to others.
  • Effective Immediately: The collection facility the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Department of Public Works, uses for our recycling drop off are no longer accept recycling in plastic bags. We ask that you please place your recycling in reusable containers for our crew to collect curbside. Your cooperation and assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

ParkMobile app