Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.


Calls for Projects Reminder & Business Survey Reminder

Open Call for Projects ends on July 21, 2023.

Virtual Office Hours will be held on Thursday July 13 11-1pm

Survey is open to responses  until July 21, 2023 at




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Missed Public Workshop #1?

Head to the Cornwall NYF website to provide your input regarding opportunities and challenges in Cornwall's downtown districts and shape the community's vision and goals to help move Cornwall forward.

All materials from Public Workshop #1 are posted on the website and a survey has been made available to obtain your feedback

The survey has been extended and will be open until Friday, July 14.

Scan the QR code or visit



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Cornwall New York Forward
Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #2
June 28, 2023, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Village Hall
325 Hudson Street Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York 12520

This meeting will be livestreamed via ZOOM through this link:
Or call in +13052241968,,83448940691# US

Join the second LPC meeting for Cornwall’s New York Forward. LPC members will receive an update regarding public engagement, finalize the Cornwall NYF vision, review the preliminary list of opportunities and challenges, provide input on draft goals and discuss the project evaluation criteria and format for project selection.
Please note that LPC meetings are public working meetings for committee members, and time will be held at the end of the meetings for public comment. There will be public workshops throughout this process during which the general public can provide their input.

Questions? Email or visit our website for more information.

Mayor’s Message

[Busy Week of Updates and Village Clerk Retirement Edition]:

Dear Residents and Friends of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson,

Lots going on this week. Our newly-appointed, part-time Village Treasurer, Ms. Gabrielle Ferrier begins her employment with the Village on Monday (today) and tomorrow (Tuesday) the County will host the Democratic Primary Election at Village Hall, 325 Hudson Street, between hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Only registered Democrats are allowed to vote in this election.

On Wednesday, the Village will host the second Local Planning Committee meeting – between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. -- as part of the NY Forward grant process. Residents are encouraged to attend (there is also an opportunity to view the livestream link to be posted on our website and Facebook page). We are moving into the project submittals period. Check out for announcements, information, and answers to all of your questions.

Thursday, the Orange County Clerk’s Office will send its Mobile DMV unit to Village Hall parking lot. Hours of operation: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and then, following quick lunch break, again from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to get enhanced driver’s licenses and handle a myriad of other matters right here in Village Hall’s municipal parking lot.

Finally – it is with deepest regrets that I announce that Village Clerk Jeanne Mahoney’s final day at Village Hall is this Friday. She served this community, along with numerous editions of Village Boards, and four mayors humbly, honorably and with distinction. We will host an Open House on Friday between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Stop by to pay a water bill, procure a waterfront parking permit, grouse at the mayor, and most importantly – wish Jeanne well after her 29 years as a loyal Village employee. She will be missed. Effective Monday, July 3, 2023: Deputy Village Clerk Doris Wickiser will assume the interim Village Clerk duties and Secretary to the Planning Board Meagan Gschwind will rotate up into the interim Deputy Village Clerk role. As always, Clerk Suzy Yarmus will be the glue that binds the front office together.  

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


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Call for Projects Reminder


Wednesday, June 28, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm

Cornwall New York Forward

Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #2

June 28, 2023, 5:30-7:30 pm

Village Hall of Cornwall-on-Hudson

325 Hudson Street, Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY 12520

This meeting will be livestreamed



Storm King Engine Company #2 Fair

Rides • Games • Food • Music
JULY 19-22, 2023
Pay one Price between June 20th and July 19th
All Week will be $70
Wednesday night only $15, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday $20
(Normal Cost $25 per night) • Fireworks on Saturday
For tickets go to Storm King Fire Engine Facebook Page
Call 845-494-5033 or Email:

What is New York Forward?

The NY Forward (NYF) program, announced by Governor Hochul in 2022, is a program designed to invigorate and enliven downtowns in New York’s smaller and rural communities – the types of downtowns found in village, hamlets, and other small, neighborhood-scale municipal centers. The goal is to transform downtowns into vibrant, flourishing neighborhoods focused on sustainable economies and development to create areas where the next generations of New Yorkers will want to live, work, and raise a family.
Each New York State Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) nominates two or three communities for the NYF award. This award intends to fund projects for redevelopment, job creation, public improvements, and business and housing opportunities.
In February 2023, the Town of Cornwall and Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson were selected as one of the NYF awardees to receive $4.5 million.
A six-month planning process will link the community’s vision, goals, and revitalization strategies to specific projects that have the potential to revitalize downtown Cornwall. This process will be guided by a Local Planning Committee (LPC), which consists of local and regional leaders.

What kinds of projects are eligible for NYF funding?

Projects selected for NYF funding should advance the program’s goal of catalyzing the development of an active downtown, enhancing public spaces, and growing the local economy.
An open, community-based planning process has been created to promote innovation and creativity within the project application timeline.
A Call for Projects will be issued June 16 and explain the eligibility requirements for potential projects. The LPC will select a slate of projects for inclusion in the NYF Strategic Investment Plan, which will be submitted to the multi-agency State NYF program for final funding decisions. LPC meetings will be open to the public and will be livestreamed.
Virtual Office Hours will be held twice throughout the duration of the Call for Projects. Links to the Office Hours will be posted on the Cornwall NYF website (

Office Hours:  June 27: 4pm – 6pm & July 13: 11am – 1pm

To learn more, visit


The Village Board encourages any local non-profit organization or private business located within the central business district along the Hudson Street corridor to consider attending the upcoming Cornwall NY Forward public workshop #1 on June 15th.
Thursday, June 15, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm
Munger Cottage
40 Munger Drive, Cornwall, NY
This is your first of only two scheduled opportunities to present your proposed project for consideration – and/or have your relevant questions answered -- as part of our $4.5 million grant award proposed distribution process.
Join us to learn more about the New York Forward (NYF) program and the Open Call for Projects process. Together we’ll identify opportunities and challenges in Cornwall’s downtown districts and shape the community’s vision and goals to help move Cornwall forward.
The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson and Town of Cornwall
were awarded $4.5 million through the NYF program,
to create a more walkable, sustainable, resilient,
and economically robust downtown area.


July 19-22, 2023

Home of the Red Shirts

C-O-H School 233 Hudson Street

July 19th & 20th 6pm-10pm

July 21st 6pm-11pm

July 22nd 4pm-11pm


Early Bird Special July 20th (Rain Day 7/21) 9:30-12:30 Three hours of rides, lunch, snack and a show for $26

Call for more info 845-494-5033


Flyer for posting