Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson's Article

January 21, 2022


SPECIAL ALERT for IMMEDIATE RELEASE: COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit Distribution in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York:

Dear Cornwall residents, neighbors, and friends:

On behalf of Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus, Town Supervisor Josh Wojehowski, and both the Village and Town Boards, we have been designated a COVID-19 rapid test kit P.O.D. (point of distribution) tomorrow morning, Saturday, January 22, 2022, in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York.

Now, please understand, this allocation of FREE test kits is being made available to ALL Orange County residents. This does NOT serve as a Cornwall-centric only giveaway. We have more than enough kits and will distribute until we run out. But ALL intended recipients MUST enter the queue from 9W and along Shore Road. NO EXCEPTIONS. Exit will be up Dock Hill Road and then through Cornwall-on-Hudson via egress roads.

Details: 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning at Donahue Memorial Park (the Cornwall-on-Hudson riverfront). Two packages (4 total tests) per vehicle – WITH proof of Orange County, NY residence.

Access: You MUST access the P.O.D. from 9W, and along Shore Road to DMP. Follow all the signage and the police and DPW officials’ directions along the route. Please be patient with our volunteers, they are here to serve you and the Orange County community.

Members of both the Village and Town Boards will be there along the route.

Looking forward to seeing anyone who needs test kits.

On behalf of Town Supervisor Josh Wojehowski and both community boards,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



December 29, 2021



Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

Yes, Virginia, there WILL be a 2022 Times Square-like ball drop this year in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York. Village’s Special Events Committee is pleased to announce they are planning both an in-person celebration and livestream viewing option for those who cannot attend or choose not to. Livestream, via YouTube, can be accessed using below link on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2021, beginning around 11pm:

There will be music provided and a hard-stop at 12:30 a.m. to respect our neighbors.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in person or virtually.

On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



IMPORTANT UPDATE Regarding New York State Governor Kathy Hochul’s COVID-19-Related Executive Order and How It Impacts Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Municipal Facilities:

Last Friday, Governor Hochul announced that, beginning Monday, all indoor public places – including restaurants, gyms, and offices, must either require people entering to wear a mask or show proof of vaccination. The edict does not permit a policy “mix and match.” The choice is one or the other.

The mandate can be found here:

With this in mind, and having consulted with other local municipalities as well as reviewed guidance from the CDC and the Orange County Department of Health, all Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson indoor facilities (Village Hall and DPW Building) will require all employees and visitors to wear a mask.

Our community in Cornwall-on-Hudson has done an excellent job in reaching a vaccinated rate of 74% amongst eligible recipients. Those interested in receiving a vaccine and/or booster can take advantage of the point of distribution (pod) locations available in Orange County and identified at below link:

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus has made clear that the County is not in a position to enforce this mandate. We will simply ask that all visitors to our Village buildings please comply with the request and if unable to do so, we will be happy to meet with you outside of the building to service your needs.

The mandate will remain in effect for one month, at which point the Governor’s Office will reassess and advise.

Appreciate the understanding. Any issues/questions, please reach out to me at (845) 534-4200 (x311).

James A. Gagliano


November 23, 2021

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

As we head into the Holiday Season, and on behalf of our Village Board, and all of our staff and employees, I’d like to wish each of you a peaceful and reflective Thanksgiving. There is an old adage that goes: “There is always, always something to be thankful for." We are all supremely blessed to be part of this wonderful Village of COH community.

Couple of quick items:

Reminder that the Village tree-lighting takes place on Sunday, December 5th at 5:30 p.m. -- the day after the Town’s. The Gioias (John and Jackie) will entertain us with Christmas songs and holiday cheer. We anticipate the annual visit by our special guest visiting from the North Pole. And Storm King Engine Company #2 will serve refreshments at the bandstand – as opposed to the firehouse – this year.

Hanukkah: Hanukkah begins at sundown on November 28th. Lighting of the first menorah candle will be celebrated at the Village Bandstand starting at 5:30pm on that date.

Lastly, you may notice that the one-sided Village welcome sign on Hudson Street (across from DB Mart) received a special addition this afternoon. Clayton Boone, the “artisan woodcarving craftsman whiz” from Sugar Loaf, NY crafted the original sign, at the behest of former Mayor Brendan Coyne. Today, Mr. Boone installed a wood panel to the backside of the sign that thanks travelers for visiting our beautiful Village and features the waterfront gazebo depicted in the Village seal. I’d like to thank Mr. Coyne, as well as the current Board who approved the addition (with much of the project funded by generous donors), for what I truly believe is a value-added piece of landscape artwork. Please see the attached photographs of the sign, the artist, and DPW Superintendent Dave Halvorsen and the members of DPW who helped with installation – Tom Lyons and Patrick Cody.   

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


Dave Halvorsen, Patrick Cody, Tom Lyons and Clayton Boone



WHEREASthere exists the possibility of vandalism and destruction of property beyond the scope of ordinary Halloween merriment and pranksterism as determined by Village officials and police officers; and

WHEREASevidence that such destructive acts have occurred and threaten to continue is apparent at this time and prompt action specifically aimed at the source of such threatened and actual damage is required to minimize damage and protect the public health, safety and welfare.

NOWpursuant to the authority invested in the office of the Mayor of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, as Chief Executive pursuant to Executive Law §24, be it

ORDEREDthat a state of local emergency is proclaimed within the corporate limits of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. The state of emergency shall be effective Sunday, October 312021 at 8:00 PM through Monday, November 12021 at 5:30 AMunless rescinded or modifiedand

ORDEREDthat a curfew for all persons under the age of 18 years during such state of local emergency between SundayOctober 31, 2021 at 8:00 PM through MondayNovember 12021 at 5:30 AMis hereby declared, except for such persons who are traveling to or from bona fide employment or traveling to or from an authorized   school   activityor on an errand concerning medical or other emergency;

ORDEREDthat all persons during such state of local emergency shall refrain from the following conduct between the hours of Sunday, October 312021 at 8:00 PM through Monday, November 12021 at 5:30 AM:

  1. Presence in or upon public streets or other public areas in groups larger than five persons. Presence in or upon private property in groups larger than five persons without authorization from property owner.
  2. Presence in or upon public streets or other public areas while in possession of shaving cream, eggs, soap, rockstoothpastespray paint, flammable or combustible liquidsor any other items which may be used for vandalism.
  3. Presence in or upon a public street or other public area with a group of any size, where one member of group is in possession of any items described in number (2) above. Likewisepresence in or upon any private property without authorization from the owner in a group of any sizewhere one member of group is in possession of such items described in (2) above.

ORDEREDany person knowingly violating this order be subject to arrest pursuant to Executive Law §24(5); and

ORDEREDthat this order be executed in triplicate and be publishedtransmitted and filed pursuant to Executive Law §24(3).






October 22, 2021


Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

With our last Village Board business meeting (10/18) available to view online and The Cornwall Local’s “Around Village Hall” feature in this week’s edition, no need for a detailed recitation of Board activity and all the exciting developments around our wonderful community.

Thought it would be fun – as we enter the 2022 budget plenary season – to share Cornwall-on-Hudson’s proposed budget for 1942. Think about this: In 1942, our great nation had just recently entered the Second World War. Gas was a whopping 20 cents per gallon, the typical American home set you back a cool $3,775, a new car was $920, and a ticket to the movie was 30 cents.

Take a look at the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson’s proposed expenditures for ’42, crack a smile, and have a great weekend, all.

On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



October 15, 2021

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

Tons of exciting events happening this weekend. Let me give you a quick rundown:

This Saturday morning (October 16th between 9:00am - 1:00pm) at Dock Hill Creek along Dock Hill Road, “Trees for Tribs” is teaming up with the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson to plant 60 trees and remove invasive species in and around Dock Hill Creek. If interested in participating, please meet at Pagenstecher Park at 8:59:59am. Please be prepared with gloves, sturdy shoes etc. and bring a shovel, pick axe or pruning shears, if able. Event will follow Orange County DOH COVID guidelines. If you are interested in volunteering for this effort or would like more event details, please contact the Cornwall Riverfront Committee at

Also, this Saturday, between 9:00am and 4:00pm, Cornwall-on-Hudson will hold its annual Village-wide yard sale. Please register beforehand at (845) 534-9367.

The Cornwall Special Events Committee announces RAIN DATE RESCHEDULING: Beetlejuice will now be showing on Sunday due to the wind and rain forecast for tomorrow.

Details: Beetlejuice this Sunday, October 17 at Donahue Farm, 42 Bay View Avenue, Cornwall on Hudson. Music and food with the Farmhouse Market Food Truck from about 5pm on. Halloween Costume Contest with prizes at 5:30. Movie starts around 6pm. Walk if you can - parking is limited.

Special note: Village DPW curbside bulk pickup scheduled for Monday, October 18th.

October Village Board business meeting will be Monday, October 18th, at 7:00pm.

Have a wonderful weekend, all.

On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



On Saturday, October 23, 2021, from 1:00pm till 3:00pm, the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department will be sponsoring a ,”Coffee with a Cop,” event which will be held at the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Board Room, 325 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.

This is an opportunity for residents to meet and speak with both veteran COHPD police officers, newer COHPD officers and COHPD Chief of Police, Steve Dixon, and obtain information about the Department as well as voice any concerns that you may have.

There will be police vehicles on display, tours of Cornwall-on-Hudson PD Headquarters available for children and giveaways/ handouts for guests.  

The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department would like to formally thank,

2 Alice’s Coffee Shop, for donating the coffee for this event.

On behalf of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department, both my officers and I are looking forward to meeting you all!!

Best Regards,

Chief Steven E. Dixon


September 8, 2021


Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

As we rapidly approach our nation’s somber observance of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, thought it important to mention a few things.

Firstly, I have directed that all American flags attached to poles and located on Village properties (Village Hall, the Bandstand, Donahue Memorial Park, at our water facilities, and in front of SKE2 firehouse) be lowered to half-mast beginning on Friday morning, September 10th, and are to remain in this position until Monday morning, September 13th. This will honor the nearly 3,000 Americans who perished on that fateful morning – and the scores of first responders in New York City (403 in total) who died while attempting to save others’ lives. It is also a solemn acknowledgement of the scores who have died of 9/11-related illnesses. I have friends and coworkers (two FBI colleagues) who perished when the Towers toppled. I have friends and colleagues who have expired from 9/11-related illnesses and maladies. And I have teammates and fellow servicemembers who have died in far off lands, while taking the fight to the terrorists.

All of us of age have poignant stories of where we were when our world was shattered that still September morning in 2001. Some of us have vivid recollections of the sights, sounds, and horrors we witnessed and experienced that clear, blue-sky morning in Lower Manhattan. I was not privileged to know 10-year FDNY veteran firefighter Kenneth Kumpel of Ladder 10. But our paths may have crossed, unbeknownst to either of us, that morning near the World Trade Center, before Ken made the ultimate sacrifice while attempting to save others. A member of the Cornwall Fire Department, Ken and his wife Nancy have two wonderful sons, Greg and Carl. As was chronicled in a recent New York Post piece on the FDNY’s 9/11 legacies, both sons are now firefighters with the FDNY. We are proud to call the Kumpel family – Cornwall’s own. We shall never forget Ken’s heroism and sacrifice.

If able to, please attend the memorial service at the traffic circle in Town at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday evening, September 11th. Let’s never forget the significance of this day and never ever forget the sacrifice of our brave and selfless 9/11 heroes and heroines.


On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



September 7, 2021   ***IMPORTANT MESSAGE***


Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

I trust that this message finds everyone safe and healthy in the wake of Tropical Storm Ida’s flood-inducing rainfall. Please know that Village Public Works employees, along with SKE2 volunteers, have been working relentlessly to ensure that clogged culverts, storm drains have been cleared, basements have had floodwaters pumped out and waters redirected, and yard debris continues to be removed. We owe them all a debt of gratitude.

I also just conferred with Town Supervisor Dick Randazzo and followed up with a telephone call to the Manager of Orange County’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Emergency Planner, Dominick Greene. Mr. Greene advises that there may be funds available for “individual assistance” from FEMA. He encouraged us to manage expectations, as there will be “needs based” assessments. This translates to the construct that bases relief monies on your household income level, as well as your existing insurance coverage. Items such as structural damage, loss of furnace, or electrical panel compromise are considered priorities. Other appliances, say a second refrigerator in your basement are obviously lower-priority losses. FEMA allows 22 days from disaster event for the County to submit a list of residents’ claims. Keep in mind, any individual claim may or may not be entertained. But we would be derelict in not compiling a list for submission and ascertaining what, if anything, can/may be replaced by FEMA.

With this in mind. I must have said list turned over to Orange County NLT Monday, September 20th, 2021. Therefore, any resident interested in submitting for potential claim consideration MUST have the below information emailed to the Village Hall Clerk at NLT COB (4:30 p.m.) on Friday, September 17th, 2021.

Residents who sustained damage to their property, please provide ONLY the following general information:

Name, address, email address, telephone number and a brief description of the damages you have incurred.  Please include a general description of flood damage; location such as basement, first floor, second floor; and types of damage and loss, i.e. electrical, furnace, finished basement, personal property, etc. 

The state of emergency for the Village of COH was lifted this morning. Thank you for your patience during our response to this weather event.

Stay safe and healthy.

Very respectfully,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano