Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson's Article

April 19, 2022


Mayor’s Message (Donahue Memorial Park Canadian Geese Mitigation Edition):

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

Apologies for double messages today, but wanted to alert residents and visitors to Donahue Memorial Park to an ongoing Village project. Last year, we received a number of complaints regarding the plentiful amount of Canadian Geese fecal matter at the park. It could certainly be a health hazard to those who sit or lie in the grass, as well as a safety hazard posed to those who slip on the feces. After reaching out to the USDA Wildlife Services Division, was advised of their efforts to capture and either harvest (donated to food banks) or relocation provision. When we publicly announced we were exploring this means, a number of residents requested we attempt other, more humane options. Several offered to donate mitigation devices that included latex, faux-predator (with-lifelike tails) geese deterrents. Two generous donors – Rick and Barbara Gioia and Tom Dicarrado provided some to Village at no cost. We thank them for their generosity.

The faux-predators will be emplaced around DMP. Will routinely rotate them to different positions during scheduled mowings of the park. Fingers crossed they serve as a solution. So, advise family and friends NOT to call Animal Control over our “foxes” and coyotes.” We expect, with good reason, to get some chuckles over this – but know we are exhausting all humane methods in order to find a way to coexist with our local wildlife.

Faux Fox
Faux Coyote

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


April 19, 2022

Mayor’s Message (Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department Edition):

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

In this edition, we would like to highlight our intrepid police department and showcase some members of our force. As recent events in Brooklyn so perfectly highlighted last week, our nation is beyond blessed to have men and women in blue who selflessly run to the sounds of the guns. Our department is located on the backside of Village Hall, 325 Hudson Street, and remains poised to always to “protect and serve.” We are supremely proud of our police department’s rollout of the body-worn camera initiative last month.  

PHOTO #1: P.O. James Lynch
PO James Lynch

PHOTO #2: P.O. Theo Dawydko
PO Theo Dawydko

PHOTO #3: P.O. Stephen Berean
PO Stephen Berean

PHOTO #4: Sgt. John Peña
Sgt. John Pena

PHOTO #5: P.O. Jonathan Kapczak
PO Jonathan Kapczak

PHOTO #6: P.O. Antinori and Chief Dixon (along w/German tourists visiting COHPD HQ).
Chief Dixon and PO Antinori and German tourits visiting

PHOTO #7 P.O. Thomas Moran
PO Thomas Moran

IMPORTANT NOTE: Village Hall just received a limited allotment of COVID-19 rapid test kits. Available on a first-come-first-served basis. Residents may simply stop by Village Hall M-F during normal business hours (8:30AM-4:30PM) and receive two kits.

Special Thanks to the Water Department last week for working 56 straight hours to mitigate a major water main leak and ensure faulty pipes were repaired and replaced, and to the Department of Public Works for handling multiple clogged storm drains across the Village after a number of heavy rainfalls. 

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


April 4, 2022

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

Almost ten months ago, the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson closed on the 47-acre Donahue Farm Property (DFP) making us its proud owners. In the ensuing months, a steering/planning committee was carefully selected and appointed by the Village Board – whose purpose was to protect every conceivable equity, ensuring the property would be protected and could be enjoyed by residents and visitors alike in perpetuity. The historical significance of the charming farm plot is certainly not insignificant. The farm’s namesake – the venerable Dr. M.J. Donahue -- was a local veterinarian and honorably served as the Village’s 23rd mayor.

The DFP steering/planning committee has been working diligently to reimagine the property. They have formed a successful partnership with Scenic Hudson and the merger serves to ensure we remain responsible, protective stewards of the land. This past weekend, committee volunteers tackled one of the final cleanup efforts, leaving only the “Ice House” structure to be completed. In the above photos, you can see Mary Donahue, Trustee Bill Braine, Acting Committee Chair Christy Larkin, Dan Poindexter, and Dave Work in between their hauling, sorting, and pitching efforts. Without selfless folks such as these five, not much gets done in a community. On behalf of all of us – thank you and thanks to the entire committee for their wiliness to serve all of us.

Finally, you can view some pretty incredible drone footage (captured by Bill Braine) of the property and our volunteers this weekend at the following link:

Donahue Farm Cleanup No2 4/2/22 - YouTube    

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


March 28, 2022


Mayor’s Message (Public Safety Edition):

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

On behalf of the Village Board, I could not be prouder to announce that the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department rolled out body-worn cameras this morning. As a career law enforcement professional, it has always been of paramount importance to me to ensure transparency for the constituency we are sworn to protect and serve, as well as guarantee the legal protections of armed public servants who willingly go into harm’s way on behalf of all of us. This was LONG overdue and serves as victory for all.

Sergeant John Peña

Pictured is Village Police Department’s lone appointed sergeant, John Peña, modeling the body-worn camera accoutrement on his ballistic vest during the B-Line tour today. If any resident or visitor to the Village has questions regarding our roll-out and usage of said BWCs, please stop into the police department or Village Hall and speak to Chief Steve Dixon or me. Or, simply stop any Village officer on the street and inquire regarding protocols. We are supremely proud of this effort that has taken a full year to effect.

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


Manny C and Meagan G

March 17, 2022


Mayor’s Message (St. Paddy’s Day Edition):

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

Let me begin by wishing everyone a safe and healthy St. Patrick’s Day. With a surname like Gagliano, no doubt of my Sicilian heritage. But, my DNA results acknowledge my 10% Irish ancestry – and with that, I wish all, Sláinte (“Health” in Irish and Scottish Gaelic).

Would also like to extend congratulations to Deputy Mayor James P. Kane and Trustee Richard Gaillard. Both return to the Village Board after Tuesday’s election: Kane for his seventh 2-year term and Gaillard for his second. Welcome back. Now, let’s get to work.

SPOTLIGHT: The Village Building Department and its new Code Enforcement Officer, Manny A. Carmona [see attached photo of Manny, along with Planning Board Secretary, Meagan Gschwind]. Manny joins us following retirement from the United States Air Force and the Building Department in Spring Valley (Rockland County), New York. He now works full-time for the Village of Nyack, New York, and part-time for Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. He is husband and father of three boys. His recreational pursuits include dancing, sports, motorcycles, family trips and “get-togethers.”

Mission of the COH Building Department is to “protect the lives and safety of the residents and visitors of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, while preserving the quality of life, and contributing to economic development.” Manny wishes to remind the community that he is available to answer questions about fire safety, construction projects, property maintenance, and complaints via office phone: (845) 534-7656, Fax: (845) 534-7607, and email address:

REMINDER: Please be patient with our Department of Public Works. This winter has seen temperature fluctuations [freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw] that have done an absolute number on our Village roadways. We are in the process of cleaning up curb debris and cold-patching the most dangerous potholes. Route 218 (Hudson Street) is a State road. While it remains NYS’s responsibility, we do contribute to its continued maintenance. This roadway is scheduled to be repaved this Fall. Promise you – we’re tending to the potholes.

On behalf of the Village Board, stay safe and healthy, all.

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



Sample Ballot for Tuesday, March 15 Election

ballot showing two different lines


March 10, 2022

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

Noted American novelist and Nobel laureate, William Faulkner, in “Requiem for a Nun” famously penned the line – “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” The quote has been applied in various forms across the literary and political worlds since “Nun” published in 1951 – most recently by then-presidential candidate, Barack Obama, in 2008. History can certainly haunt us, but it also serves to guide and instruct; as in how can we know where we are headed without understanding where we have been? While buildings and properties are inanimate objects, they can also possess a “soul” of sorts.

And so, as we close in on (hopefully) the end of Winter and look towards Spring, important to share that we will continue to be stalwart caretakers and good stewards of all Village properties. If you happen to detect something overlooked on Village-owned property, please reach out to the mayor’s office: (845) 534-4200 (x311) and let us know. Across the past year, we have spent considerable time and focus on renovations, clean-ups, and cosmetic face-lifts. And while the recent purchase of some 47 acres at the old Donahue Farm property comes with challenges, it also affords us abundant opportunities. Interested in sharing your opinion for its future use? Please visit the Donahue committee’s Facebook page:

We are also performing some remediation and renovations at several Village facilities. Keep an eye open for some beautification efforts at the old Water Department municipal facility on Maple Avenue when Spring arrives. And look for the daffodils that should soon bloom along Hudson Street (Thank you, Mrs. Barbara Gosda) and provide additional splendor in and around Village Hall at 325 Hudson Street. Speaking of Village Hall …

(Photo One): Black and White image of how the future Village Hall appeared when it was a Ford car dealership in 1949.


(Photo Two): Color image of same building in 1962 when a Mobil gas station was added to the dealership. Check out those gas prices – 28.9 cents and 32.9 cents per gallon.

Building eventually became a bank before the Village took possession during early 90’s.

REMINDER: Please do not park along Village streets in advance of expected snowfalls.

On behalf of the Village Board, stay safe and healthy, all.

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


March 4, 2022
Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:
This serves as the second installment of our inaugural Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson recognition editions -- in order to publicly acknowledge and highlight our deserved employee workforce. Next iteration will shine a spotlight on the Police Department.
Here are a quick, few “fun facts” regarding our Water Department, which services both the Village and the Town – a total of 13,000 residents. You should know:
1) The Water Department has a $3.1M annual operating budget.
2) For 2021, we produced 280,356,000 gallons of treated water.
3) 52 miles of water main pipes and 325 hydrants, with 2,665 service connections (supplying 8,500+ consumers) are maintained by our department.
4) Also maintain over 100 acres of watershed properties, 3 treatment plants, 28 pressure-regulating valves, along with 5 reservoirs and dams. In short – It’s a HUGE responsibility.
Let this serve as a quick “get-to-know-better” the men and women who ensure that when we turn on the taps in our homes and businesses we have delivered clean, safe, available drinking water. It appears a simple feat – but there is far more to it than meets the eye.
Photo One: Don Bryde, who serves as our Chief Water Plant Operator.
Don Bryde, who serves as our Chief Water Plant Operator.
Photo Two: Conor Watts, who serves as a Water Plant Assistant.
Conor Watts, who serves as a Water Plant Assistant.
Photo Three: Rich Smith, the Water Department’s Assistant Leader.
Rich Smith, the Water Department’s Assistant Leader
Photo Four: (L-R), Joe McCormick (Water Maintenance Worker), Dan Nye (Water Maintenance Leader), and Anthony Gagliano (Water Maintenance Worker).
 Joe McCormick (Water Maintenance Worker), Dan Nye (Water Maintenance Leader), and Anthony Gagliano (Water Maintenance Worker).
Photo Five: (L-R), Meagan Gschwind, Stephanie Xagoraris (Administrative Assistants).
Meagan Gschwind and Stephanie Xagorais
Photo Six: A future Water Department Employee (Hopefully).
A future Water Department Employee (Hopefully)
Photo Seven: Our intrepid Water Superintendent, Michael Trainor.
Our intrepid Water Superintendent, Michael Trainor
Thank you, Cornwall-on-Hudson Water Department. We ALL truly appreciate your work.
On behalf of a grateful Village Board and greater Cornwall community,
James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano

February 25, 2022


Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

This one is LONG overdue. This morning, Old Man Winter’s stubborn refusal to depart the region in a timely fashion, and on good terms, made me realize how truly blessed we are to have such a dedicated and committed Village Department of Public Works. I pledge to do a better job publicly acknowledging and highlighting our amazing workforce more frequently. Next editions will spotlight the Water Department and the Police Department.

For this DPW, Highway, and Sanitation Departments’ edition, how about these guys?

Casey Brown, Superintendent Dave Halvorsen, and Andrew Poalla after the Village Hall parking lot was plowed and treated this morning

Photo One: (L-R) Casey Brown, Superintendent Dave Halvorsen, and Andrew Poalla after the Village Hall parking lot was plowed and treated this morning (repeatedly).

Andy Stathes, Wayne Yeoman, Tommy Lyons, Pat Conley, and Eric Vandemark

Photo Two: They balked at my camera-happy posture after plowing and treating our Village streets since 3:30 a.m., but I corralled them at the DPW Building. From left to right, Andy Stathes, Wayne Yeoman, Tommy Lyons, Pat Conley, and Eric Vandemark.

Pat Cody, Luis De la Cruz, and Pat Conley

Photo Three: I asked the DPW to refinish, renovate, refurbish, and bring back to life a more than 100-year-old work session table that is in all likelihood the OLDEST piece of furniture in existence in Village government. Handcrafted in Indianapolis around the turn of the century, it was in sore need of repair and a tiny bit of TLC. These guys nailed it. Expert craftsmen, all. Left to right, Pat Cody, Luis “Sweet Lou” De la Cruz, and Pat Conley. Museum-quality piece now. We know that this table served as the mayor’s “desk” and conveyance for board meetings when it existed at the old Village Hall at 3 River Avenue (currently Pepettini Restaurant) until the early 1990s. It is a Village treasure.

Thank you, Village Department of Public Works. We all truly appreciate your work. 

On behalf of a truly grateful Village Board and community,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


Maryors Obremski, Randazzo & Moulton

February 16, 2022


SPECIAL NOTICE: In Memoriam Charles P. Obremski

Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

It with heavy heart that I report to you the passing of the Village’s 24th mayor, Charles P. Obremski on Monday, February 14, 2022. The following is the family’s posted obituary on the Quigley-Sullivan funeral home site:

Charles P. Obremski was born on September 11, 1946 in Passaic, New Jersey to Charles J. and Anna (Tichansky) Obremski. He died on February 14, 2022 in Newburgh, New York. Charlie is survived by his wife of 49 years, Nancy (Howell); his sons: Gregory and Christian (Alexandra); his grandchildren: Anna, John, Elisabeth, and Maria; and by his sister Maryann.

Charlie was a graduate of Boston University and New York University School of Law. He maintained a law practice in Cornwall, New York for nearly 50 years. He was a retired Army Major with the New Jersey National Guard and served as a Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Auxiliary Police Officer. He was also Mayor of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson from 1977-1979. Charlie was a patriot who loved the Constitution and the rights afforded therein. He will be deeply missed by his family, friends, and colleagues.

Visitation will be held on Friday, February 18th from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Quigley-Sullivan Funeral Home, 337 Hudson Street, Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY. Based on new CDC guidelines adopted by NYS, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear masks or be socially distanced, but unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear masks and be socially distanced in the funeral home. Burial will be private. End.

I have directed all four Village flags to be lowered to half-mast position through this weekend. Black mourning bunting supplied by Storm King Engine Company #2 has been applied to two sides of Village Hall to honor our former mayor. Was privileged and honored to meet with Mayor Obremski when the Village hosted a former mayors’ summit in May of last year at Village Hall. The attached photograph is from that event and also depicts former Cornwall-on-Hudson mayor, Edward C. Moulton, Jr. and former Town supervisor and Village trustee, Richard Randazzo, as the three share a laugh.

On behalf of the Village Board, we wish Godspeed to Mayor Obremski and pray his family finds peace, comfort, and solace in his legacy of service to our nation, and this Village, and realizes just how much this somber news has impacted our community.

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano
